First Impressions at Folsom City Art Center Gallery, June, 2007
HORNOR's recent art demonstrates a partnership of craftsmanship, traditional representaion and imaginative surrealism as though they are conspiring from out of this world. As usual he employs digital photography, yet in his latest works, a more traditional approach is evident. These [artworks] are just what they seem at first glance. They still take on more meaningful issues upon closer analysis, contemplation of found objects in a surreal context." Some details in each work become visible only in high resolution display at close viewing."
Wide Worlds Gallery 2002 - ongoing Ric's "unrealism" or "Wide Eyed Panos," take on the appearance of an expanded reality, coming full circle through "Other Worlds." By using panoramas of natural landscapes, clouds and found, (smaller) objects, inserting, juxtaposing and mixing those elements together, he creates new, unreal but strange believable worlds from many real parts, smoothing these combinations with painterly mastery. D.R.
Flowers Gallery from "The Last Flower Show" 1995 - 1996 "Purity is an Illusion"
'A simple warning that our imaginations and our desires for purity rest solely in wishes, hopes and prayers. 'A reminder that life is far more complex than we are or ever will be capable of knowing., though we continue to try, and rightly so. A quest for perfection and a lust for life keeps artists playing and working to attempt the impossible. These works are captured from imaginative ponderings inspired by a photo-realistically conceived world. Traditional art media is mixed with new electronic tools of the time enabling Ric and many other artists to create what they could only imagine before now. But even combined together, they are not pure and complete.
Image Processing
Image Processing::
Video Image Processing 1977 - 1987
"Ms. Liberty" (International Art Expo New York Program Cover 1985.)
After years of shooting Super 8 film, and drawing, painting and sculpting with a litany of traditional art media, HORNOR took the opportunity of a lifetime to focus on the first portable video system at CSUS , (California State University at Sacramento). HORNOR was absorbed in the electronic media of the 70's, (video tape recording and editing). Virtual time and space came under man's control in this century.
The new concepts and tools led many like Ric to the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, where he fell in love with imagination itself along with this new media of video/photo-synthesis. He built a Sandin analog video Image Processor as part of his Master of Fine Arts Degree, playing it much of the time as a visual music instrument. HORNOR's early works, using synthesized media and processesing effects on his photography and new video taped imagery paved the way for years of evolving through ever advancing new media to create a massive collection of nearly unending artworks. HORNOR continues to utilize ever more sophisticated technology to simplify complex ideas and to help him express his ever expanding view of the world. To the question of "How do you put in so many hours each day? Ric answered, "It's been 15 billion years since the big bang and the scientists tell us we are speeding up, flying away to God knows what, I only know how to work full time at full speed." hmmm.
Inventors Gallery 1985 - 1990
"Ada Augusta Lovelace"
"The First Computer Programmer," circa 1864
When The "InfoMart" Technology Community, (Convention Center), in Dallas Texas wanted to showcase scientists and inventors whose work led to the Information age, HORNOR was commissioned to create 36 large format, (4'x5' each), "electronic photographs," (displayed as Cibachrome prints). Using both analog computer technology and newly created digital paint systems, Ric continued to pursue a marriage of the old and the new, by attempting to capture the essence of each inventor's work in his or her image.
Primitive Thoughts
Primitive Thoughts Gallery (Abstract) - 1996 - 1999 "On Gilded Wings" AKA "Oow, Ouch"
Pencil drawings are the first stage of this series. Each piece contains objects or elements, known as primitives in 3D modeling. Likewise, the titles, or primitive thoughts are inspired by recollection and supposition of simple thoughts, statements one would make in passing, almost without thought. Use of 3D objects as still-life, Ric explores endless perspectives obtainable from the simplest of elements, combined in various arrangements, surface textures and carefully directed "unreal lighting."
Elements Gallery - 1998
Inaugural series purchased by Sprint International
"Water of Life"
The theme of "Elements," traditional painting and cut-and-paste" techniques and painting techniques, Hornor examines the core elements that allowed man to evolve: earth, water, light, and fire." Water of Life" is one of the tribute to the small miracles surrounded by every day experiences.
Other Worlds
Other Worlds Gallery 2000 - ongoing
"Port Dali, Knot for Sale"
All of HORNOR's art to date has taken a voyeur's route through surrealism. These works utilize sources almost exclusively captured in digital photography, (He has used video and/or photography in most of his imagery.) In this gallery, we are witness to his great use to date of the rich and vivid imagination, much inspired by "...prolific dreams and a lot of gathering." Traditional art media are used at times to develop his imagery. By combining various and disparate images in digital files for extended 'surgery' and printing, these works stratle real and surreal worlds. Here, he synthesizes real elements into surreal scenes, bringing expanded definitions of our worlds. "Surrealism is more a way of life than it is a definition of my art." My hope is ...these works help us understand our world more completely as we see it from unlikely perspectives, so much so that they take on new identities with greater meanings for all willing participants. D.R